On November 21-22, 2017, the meeting of OMM project was organized at Soils and Fertilizers Research Institute (SFRI), Ha Noi, Viet Nam and coordinated by leaders: ASEAN scientist, Dr. Doan Thu Thuy (SFRI) & French scientist, Dr. Nicolas Bottinelli (IRD- SFRI). The participants were from Land Development Department- Thai Land (LDD), Laos National University- Laos (DaiLAM), Soil and Fertilizers Research Institute- Viet Nam (SFRI), Institute of Research and Development – France ( IRD-SFRI) and MSC &PhD students from France, Germany, and Thai Land university.
OMM project was sponsored by International Mix Laboratory project (LMI LUSES) from the Institute for Research and Development (IRD) – France. In this context, a sharing experiment between Lao, Vietnam, and Thailand about the effects of organic fertilizers on soil properties and plant yield was conducted in 2016. The objective of the meeting was to analyze and statistics OMM dataset: (1) by using the R program for calculating the different indicators of soil macrofauna diversity; and (2) by using BEST method (excel program) to estimate hydraulic conductivity and water retention
In the second day, the discussion was very useful to discuss how to publish the results and to visit the Dong Cao Catchment where has been conducting the experiment on the earthworm activities as the soil quality indicator as the impact of climate change.
For more information, please contacts to:
Dr. Doan Thu Thuy doanthuysfri@yahoo.com