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Research programme IRD-SFRI

08-05-2013 View: 235
Research programme IRD-SFRI : Biogeochemistry,  Agroecology and Agricultural watershed management
Research Unit 211 BIOEMCO, IRD, University of Paris 6, Ile-de-France Reserch Centre, Bondy (France)
SFRI - Soils and Fertilizers Research Institute du VAAS, MARD.
Context : The influence of the stability or variability of environmental conditions (physical, hydrological and chemical) on the hydrology of small watersheds, and secondly on the microbial community structure is one of the most debated research issue in ecology. Examine these issues in the context of both human uses across the landscape, as in that of global change, is essential for effective and sustainable management of soil and water the agricultural world.
Objectives : The UMR211-BIOEMCO Vietnam investigates the impact of agricultural activities and practices on the productivity of land slope, soil quality in different geographical positions (slope, terrace, plain, delta) and their associated water tanks, from lake to lake hills of hydro-electric dam. Research focuses on the transfer of materials, living and non-living organic and inorganic, through erosion, leaching and river transport. This research uses integrative multidisciplinary group using a variety of techniques biogeochemical and molecular microbial ecology combined with the agronomy, ecology, hydrology and modeling to provide answers to the question fundamental: how an ecosystem responds to changes in agricultural practices? The originality of this research program agroecology is the diversity of the scales of observation and experimental methods: Mesocosm experimental watersheds instrumented and monitored for 12 years (programme MSEC http://www.msec3.net/, from the international network SOERE http://www.allenvi.fr/?page_id=755 ).
Activities and Outputs: The expected results are: (i) the impact of organic fertilization and tillage under cover on erosion, water balance and nutrient chemistry, (ii) the impact of agricultural practices on the structure microbial communities, species coexistence and biogeochemical processes from the ground up tank downslope (iii) environmental indicators and socio-economic good governance of agricultural areas through the mechanism of slope Payment for Environmental Services and (iv) training of staff and students in simulated rainfall, hydrology, soil science and modern analytical techniques for effective ecological engineering in Vietnam.
On-going projects: Project HypI from German Cooperation, with the financial support of AUF and the French Region of Midi-Pyrénées and the Vietnames Province of Son La (2011-2013) ; Project B3CO funded by the research programme LOTUS/HOA SEN from VAST (MOST, Vietnam) and French PHC (MOST, France) with IRD (2012-2013) ; Project SUSANE2 from Danish Cooperation with SFRI (2011-2013). These research actions are also supported by 3 sholarships fro PhD from the French Embassy, 2 from IRD, 2 from the Danish Cooperation. At last, the UMR 211 has got a support from IRD for : (1) the New International Research Team JEAI-BioGEAQ joining Vietnamese researchers from VAST and VAAS ; and (2) the long term monitoring of the agricultural watershed MSEC of Dong Cao as an environnemental observatoire (research network SOERE). Support from Laboratoire Mixte Internationale LMI-Luses for the purchase of scientific equipment and training partners in France and in the sub-region. Financing International Foundation for Science (IFS) for the workshop "How to write and respond to tenders for scientific projects in environmental science." Participations to the PPR-SELTAR.

Some activity photos of programme:

Partnership in Vietnam :
JEAI BioGEAQ and USTH (Master « Water Environment Oceanography », Master « Renewable Energies »).
From Vietnamese Academy for Agricultural Sciences (VAAS): SFRI, IAE.
From Vietnamese Academy for Sciences and Technologies (VAST): ICH, IET, INPC.
From the Vietnam National University (VNU) : ICARGC (International Center for Advanced Research on Global Change)
Partners abroad :
UMR 210 Eco & Sols (Montpellier), UMR 238 ECOSYM (Montpellier), UMR Sisyphe (Paris 6), UMR EPOC (Bordeaux), UMRs LEGOS, GET et GEODE (Toulouse), UMR LEM (Lyon), INRA, CIRAD, IWMI, University of Wageningen, University of Copenhagen, University of Honhenheim.
Contacts :
Didier Orange  didier.orange@ird.fr - Emma Rochelle-Newall  emma.rochelle-newall@ird.fr 
Jean-Louis Janeau  jean-louis.janeau@ird.fr
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